Meet Kelly

Hello Friends,

Kelly Phillips

I am Kelly, a Christian single mom of 4 young adults with a warm momma spirit, a soft spot for the lost, and a silly offbeat sense of humor because life needs laughter. While my early years of motherhood were spent as a full-time parent, my calling professionally has been working on college campuses, supporting students, advising student organizations, planning events, retreats and conferences, supervising and mentoring talented staff, teaching courses on leadership, first-year studies, and communication. I also have a passion for writing, speaking, and following where the Lord leads me (which has been quite an adventure). Today, you are invited to join me on my journey of loving, parenting, and learning how to best support adult children as they navigate college years and beyond.

Reflecting on my own young adult season of life is met with sweet nostalgia. Perhaps it is like that for you too… memories of fun times, making lifelong friends, finding the freedom to explore the world around you. Decades in student life have given me an insider’s view of young adults in their late teens and twentysomethings. The twenties are often a time of life to clarify what matters most to us and to prepare for the future. In the best of seasons, we create a solid foundation and focus on building our strengths and becoming our best selves. Yet, if you have college-aged children, you have lived long enough to know, not everything happens according to plan. When life brings us to a crossroads or even to our knees, there is no better season of life to redirect than the 20s. Only it may be difficult for a 20 something to see that.

Being a parent is probably the most humbling role any of us might have. An expert parent sounds like an oxymoron. Nothing quite prepares you as your own children launch into adulthood. Transitions are however not only a part of parenting, they are a part of life. While my kids were moving into elementary and middle school, I found my best support was often connecting with others in the same stage of life or just a little further down the road. I was particularly drawn to praying with other parents over the children, teachers, and schools. I began writing online devotionals at the start of each school day and sharing them on a Facebook group and inviting others to pray, As the School Bell Rings. Through the years, I have connected with college ministries and even started a few prayer groups among friends, colleagues and fellow parents. Still, I have continued to feel the tug of the Spirit… to connect with others and be a tool in His Hand to shine His Light in our very imperfect world.

Since the pandemic, I have been prompted to return to writing (blogging and microblogging, a podcast, social media inspirations, and more.) I created this place for refreshing that I call a Cup from the Well. I invite you to come along with the Holy Spirit to guide us as we share truth and support on the nuances of parenting young adults. I pray God will be glorified in all that follows.

My little family….
At our church’s outdoor Easter Sunrise Service 2021