
Faith in Parenting

Planting seeds of greatness

As a young mom, I attended a monthly fellowship of other moms of preschoolers at our church.  Each month, childcare was provided by the church, speakers would come into the large group and we would gather in small groups based upon the ages of our firstborn to discuss the message, offer prayer and support to one another, plan playdates and occassionally enjoy a lunch afterward.  I loved the countless lessons I learned there and the sweet friendships I made with other moms walking through this season of life together.  It was also a group that whet my appetite for a deeper connection to God and knowledge in the Lord. 

In one particular session, a wise older saint of a woman was speaking to us about faith in parenting.  I remember clearly when she described how most parents are looking for the best we can provide for our children.  We are focused on making sure they have the best education, connections to friends who are a good influence, lessons and opportunities to learn skills, develop talents, and join teams. We often run ourselves in circles trying to make sure they don’t miss out or fall behind. That picture described my parenting well. My calendar was overflowing with birthday parties, playdates, library hours, children’s museums, zoo trips, etc… to make the most of these preschool years.   Then she challenged, but if we could only do one thing, shouldn’t our greatest goal as Christian parents be to help them grow to love the Lord?  I am not saying none of the rest of it isn’t a good and healthy thing to do, but where does helping them grow spiritually fit in our parenting plan in the modern world?  That may seem obvious to some, but it was as if a lightning bolt hit me in that room.  The message pierced my heart in a new way and was a game-changer in my parenting priorities.

My kiddos at a little amusement park in 2007

I grew up in a wonderful family of amazing, smart, kind and loving Christians, but we did not attend church with great consistency.  I was a good kid and worked hard and hoped that would count for something in Heaven. When I was invited to youth activities by my church-going friends, I would go, but I felt out of place. I didn’t know the memorized prayers or songs, how communion worked or really many of the stories they all seemed to know. Still, God pursued my heart. I really didn’t find my deep relationship with the Lord until after I was an adult.  I often thought of Church as a good and noble thing to do, but when the week was too full, attending church, time in prayer, or opening a Bible took a back seat to stuff that I knew had to be done.  Still, God pursued my heart.

When I became a mother, I wanted my kids to grow up going to church. I think it was more for their moral development and to be surrounded by “good kids” rather than their spiritual development.  Fortunately, God was extra patient with me and continued to pursue my heart and my family. It didn’t take long to learn “church” was full of the same broken people on each side of the walls.  He gave me eyes to see that none of us are without sin and we can never be “Good Enough” to make our way into heaven. That’s why we need a savior. Fear of the Lord is the first step in faith. Coming to the end of myself over and over, especially as a mother of 4 children born in 4 years, He drew me into a deeper personal relationship. He also opened doors for my children to know Him better as well.

“Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6

Join me in prayer…….

Thank you, Father for the gift of parenting our children. Forgive us for the parenting moments we become distracted by worldly shiny things.  We need your mercy and grace as much as they do.  Open doors for all of us to grow in faith and knowledge of you that we may be a reflection of Your light in a dark world. No matter our children’s ages, may we remember that you can and will use us as a source of love, support, and guidance for them. May our prayers for each of them help to direct their steps in the details of life and the crossroads in front of them.  We pray they will hear Your voice and follow the path you have created for them.   Pull them into a deep relationship with You Father throughout their life.  In You may they find wisdom, peace, comfort, love, acceptance, and forgiveness for all that comes their way. 

It is in Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen.

Mother of 4 nearly adult children with a passion for writing, teaching, and following where the Spirit leads.