
Lessons from Lent

written in Spring 2021

Lessons of Lent

When I first became aware of the season of Lent, I moved it into the “not really mandatory stuff Christians do” column. Like many I know, I created my personal version of faith checking off the practical Christian practices on freestyle menu options excluding fasting, communion with wine, and 6 AM Easter sunrise services. Even when I did “give up something for Lent,” my cup was emptied of what seemed like only reasonable expectations that the Lord would ask of me over the stretch of 40 days. Just thinking some of you may be there too. Trying to “be good Christians” and honor the Cross, we may offer time off social media, putting up the cell phone at a certain hour, giving up chocolate, red meat, or alcohol. Some may refrain from cursing or their own variety of bad habits for a season.

But in light of the gift of salvation and everlasting life which we are offered through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, our sacrifices seem like child’s play.

Ash Cross

This year (2021), most of us are crying out “Haven’t we given …..Enough?!!” The Covid Pandemic has forced all of us to give up far more than we wanted. We have sacrificed connections during celebrations and milestones, and irreplaceable moments of peace and comfort in times of loss.

Yet, most of what we have given up was out of necessity not freely offered.

Jesus, however, humbled himself and was the ultimate Volunteer, giving more than any of us would ever be asked to give and offering more than any of us deserve to receive.

As we long for the restoration of all we miss. I wonder for those who share a faith in Jesus, if we long for Him in the same way we do the end to this pandemic. Maybe those everyday sacrifices are offering us a small taste of the groaning birth pains that I believe the world will experience in the return of our Savior.

Still, if there is any message, I would hope to give this Ash Wednesday, I pray that God would give us eyes to see and ears to hear …..it is never about what we have done or sacrificed to earn our place in heaven, but recognize the gift of what He gave and He so generously offers to all of us resting our faith on Him for salvation.

Prepare your hearts to receive His blessings.

Mother of 4 nearly adult children with a passion for writing, teaching, and following where the Spirit leads.