
The Big Game

The Big Game… reflections from my life as a fan and a mom.

I grew up a college football fan, in a college football family, in a college football town. Attending the same hometown University as my dad, also followed by my younger sister and both our future husbands, our family seemed to revolve around our favorite team. There would never be a wedding or special event in the fall without consulting the football schedule. If babies were born on a game day well then, it may have been poor planning. All of the paraphernalia that surrounded the team were the go-to items for birthday gifts and gifts under the tree not to mention the themed ornaments we had received over the years. Most of us have room or space in our homes or offices where we display many of our favorite keepsakes. When I learned I was expecting our first baby, and the first grandchild for my parents, I seem to recall, “So does this mean you won’t use the tickets next season?” was among the first items to discuss. When my fourth and youngest child was born, I was struggling with Toxemia/high blood pressure that didn’t want to come back down right away. My team was on TV in my hospital room a couple days later and we were losing to an SEC rival. My doctor came by and told me this was not helping me to be released so if I wanted to go home, I needed to turn it off. (Sigh)

Like many parents, as my children grew, my Saturdays became less and less about the “big games” and more and more about my kids’ activities… birthday parties, playdates, and especially their youth sports games. With 4 in soccer or basketball or baseball, my Saturdays were often in a folding chair on the sidelines of my children’s teams. They were sweet times, with cheer tunnels made with parents lacing hands at the end of the games and passing out snacks to all of the players. Truthfully, that season was not without its drama. I remember the challenges of dressing for their games, pulling up soccer socks over shin guards and tiny little feet, and then double knotting laces for shoes that would be miraculously be untied again during their games. There were also those proud mom moments they would be wearing mismatched socks since it was not uncommon to have 2 or more missing in action from the last game or practice. I was thankful that at least one season our church league assigned my 4 kids to the same team name (the Cardinals). Their shirts were all different sizes, but looked the same. We were down to 3 shirts by the end of the season. I found I could easily pull a shirt off of one as they exited a game and pull it onto the back of another whose game was about to begin.

Mommas, you know, you do what you have to do.

The back of my minivan during those days was a treasure chest of toys, snacks, water bottles, lawn chairs and soccer balls banging around from one side to the other. On a side note, it was resourceful enough to pull together spur of the moment outfits for all 4 kids on Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme Donuts to score free donuts ( true story…see picture).

Somewhere along the way, missing those College Games became less of my focus and these shenanigans took their place. I can honestly say, I had more joy of watching my children play and try their hardest in a game than watching my college football team play. And if they scored or made a great play, I was their biggest and often loudest fan. I loved cheering for the other kids and getting to know the other families and watching the kids grow up together. As time has moved on, we are less and less on the sidelines of my children’s games, and we have rejoined the crowds of my favorite college football team. Most of my children have joined the family fandom watching football and a host of other college sport seasons. Still, I am sure I would give it all up to spend just one day watching my kids play as littles again. If you are in that season, enjoy it. As you have certainly heard folks say, it goes by quicker than you can imagine.

Today is Superbowl Sunday, I usually chose my professional team in the big game based on how many of my college alumni are playing on each side of the ball. I hope it is a fun game. I also hope those who watch it enjoy it with good people, good food, great commercials, and an entertaining halftime show. For those of you cheering for your favorite team on the field, I hope you walk away with a victory.

For me, 3 of my 4 children are now in college and do not live at home. Still, I had quick visits and windows of time with each of them in the last 48 hours. That fills this momma’s heart to overflowing. It is such a gift to cheer them on in all they do, but a real hug and kiss… nothing better. That means this 2022 Superbowl weekend, my home team has already won!

Enjoy the game! Celebrate all of the wins!


Mother of 4 nearly adult children with a passion for writing, teaching, and following where the Spirit leads.